friday night lights | Teen Ink

friday night lights MAG

February 24, 2022
By prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
prestonschoenfelder SILVER, Randolph, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lights of the football
game on a cold,
Friday night light up the
football field.
The wind is an ice cube against my skin
As I warm up for the
big game.

The whistle is piercing to
my ears,
As the referee starts
the game.
The kickoff begins, and the
ball is in
Our possession.

I am handed the ball, and I
am running
As fast as I can to the
endzone, my heart
Like a beating drum.
When I take my final
Step into the endzone the
crowd is a
roaring lion.

My team is already up 8-0,
and I can tell
This game is going to
go well.

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