2022 Traditions Contest: The Ice Cream Spree When A New Semester Starts | Teen Ink

2022 Traditions Contest: The Ice Cream Spree When A New Semester Starts MAG

January 16, 2022
By Anonymous

Eating ice cream makes you light, Dad says

Eating ice cream makes you fat, Mom says

But I say, who cares.


The day when a new semester starts,

It's the day I get thirty new books,

Twenty new classmates, ten new teachers, five new courses,

But negative three old friends.


Red, yellow, brown, and blue,

Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, and ocean-cool,

Hot air lifts balloon,

Angst melts with each spoon;


Dad says a person is like an automobile,

Mom says ice cream is like the fuel,

I say, let's fill.

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on Jan. 17 2022 at 8:57 pm
ILiveToRead PLATINUM, Wailuku, Hawaii
24 articles 3 photos 150 comments
Impressive. Unique and even relatable. Cheers to your success.