I Surrender | Teen Ink

I Surrender

January 10, 2022
By pallmeyer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
pallmeyer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone’s always writing poetry about heartbreak: a lover, a friend

What about when you’re breaking your own heart?

I tear myself down 

Every. F**king. Day.

I look in the mirror and hate what I see

All these mean comments they’re coming from me

I surrender

I could blame society for its expectations

I could blame others for their rude comments

I could blame my mother for this mentality

But at the end of the day…

It’s me

I should be strong enough to fight

To love myself

But I’m too tired to combat this war inside my head

I surrender

I’m too tired to build this defense

I surrender

So please just let me be

I surrender!

The author's comments:

I think I included a lot about myself in this piece. The poem, obviously, is about self-loathing which I know a lot about, and so do many other teenagers. Mental health is very prevalent in society today, and I think my poem speaks to lengths about what it's like to hate the person you are inside and out.

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