I met him... | Teen Ink

I met him...

November 22, 2021
By zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I met him across a silent room

He spun his pen between his fingers with rings

His brown curls feel like a cascade down his compassionate eyes

The cold winter’s breath ran up our legs

Gray skies circled around only us

Our music kissed our souls with warmth 

In the aisles cover of dust and memories

We laughed

We laughed about a disabled ipad

We laughed over the smallest details

A tan hamster in a frog costume called our names

Naming him Ted we gave him a home in our hearts

Securing him to the shopping cart we drove him around

I met him in the jokes we made 

He uncovered precious metals between racks

His smile played melodies to my ears 

We left the store of second chances with Ted

I sighed

I sighed when he pushed his hair back

I sighed knowing I wasn’t dreaming

Waiting in the car I wish we had all the time in the world

But we didn’t

Now I’m part of his memories

And for that I am sincerely grateful

He bought Ted for us 

His kindness hug me when I slept with Ted last night

You were a stranger I once knew 

Pointing to the soft fallen snowflakes you don’t know I have fallen like them

Snowflakes in fall pull my arms to yours 

Saying goodbye I hope we will meet again

Maybe next time we will see stars that have already died 

Stars weren’t force to be align 

The author's comments:

I went thrifting with a guy on a thursday night. I met this guy at writing club afterschool. Right away I thought he was good looking guy. He was wearing green cargo pants, a gray shirt, rings, fluffy brown curls and brown eyes. Writing club was silent but his "his smile played melodies to my ears." He bought me a hamster in a frog coustme and we named him ted. Knowing I was now part of his memories warmth my heart. The simply hanging out with my was a kindness I could never repay. He once was a stranger but I hope we can become close. Even if it's not more then friends I hope we can start more memories. Stars fall away from each other throughout time. They are beautiful balls of gas that can't be controlled. My feelings for him I cannot control, "Stars weren't force to be align."

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