Tricks you into Love | Teen Ink

Tricks you into Love

November 12, 2021
By plutos-heartshape-birthmark BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
plutos-heartshape-birthmark BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Are we human because we gaze at the stars or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?"

The honey in her eyes

Made me think

That she would be sweet

And the scent from her pharmons

Had me chasing

Impossible dreams


A heart that seemed so golden

Where there'd be love to hold in

Was a facade to be broken

But only seen by those

With an unfortunate token

Skin glistening with the

Beams of lightning designed by Zeus

Blinding the power of love that was abused


The satin of her lips

Made me believe

There'd be no loss to grieve

And her aura was a stained glass window

Telling the stories of lies

People would romanticize


A brain that seemed so philosophical

Where there'd be knowledge

Of love so astronomical

Was nothing but a maze

Looking for a lover to stand her haze

Smiled to make everything seem alright

But takes her mask off at midnight


She was a siren,

Tricks you into Love

The author's comments:

What had inspired me to write this poem was my world history class. We were learning how the stained glass in churches depicted scenes from the Bible. The aura line was the first thing that popped into my head; how it turned into a stroy about sirens, I dont know. I do hope that whoever finds this, likes it!

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