The Parody of the Mask | Teen Ink

The Parody of the Mask

November 6, 2021
By SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Theatrical masks, 

Medieval casques,

The world has seen its fair share of disguises,

Before the recent pandemic crisis.

In ancient times,

Used to make someone look like a cast-away,

Or to attend a masquerade.

Used for rituals,

Or to mark an honorary position,

In the past, masks have been a tradition.

Worn to demonstrate dramatic emotions,

Even the horse was a mask, the one sent to the Trojans.

A stereotype of robberies,

Masks were even a medium for mockeries.

Masks have a long history,

So its resurfacing is no mystery.

Another stage in the life of the mask,

And soon our normalcy will be back.

The author's comments:

The world has seen thousands of years of masks, yet this generation has only recently embraced them.


Sriya (she/ her) is a high school sophomore from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she resides now after Singapore, Mumbai, and being born in Kolkata, India. Her weekends comprise singing, kayaking, writing poetry through calligraphy, and talking to new people in between volleyball games. Her poetry has been published with The Weight Journal.

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