Nora | Teen Ink


November 6, 2021
By SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that when people leave,

We become both the heroes and the villains in their stories.

No matter the plans we conceive,

To keep them from their leave,

Our days together are remembered as glories.

We should be the heroes, 

The people who commemorate, 

And the people who even though are melancholic,

Still never truly separate.

The heroes who cheer on their friends,

Wish them the best, 

And put their sorrow to rest.

We should also be partly like the villains,

Like The Phantom and his ingenious ideas.

For the laughs that turned our cheeks red exceeded millions,

And only the perfect villain would be able to stop the flight,

In efforts to hold their dear ones tight,

Even if they knew it wasn’t right.

When it comes to friendship,

The grey area only expands. 

The balance of right and wrong

Tips on our very stance.

So I’ll do my best to be both.

For I wish you all the happiness,

And that one day we can meet again.

I promise I won’t reduce my chattiness, 

But only if you promise the same.

So tell me, when’s our next video call?

We’ll talk again then.

The author's comments:

Written about how it feels when people leave, and the dilemma we go through.


Sriya (she/ her) is a high school sophomore from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she resides now after Singapore, Mumbai, and being born in Kolkata, India. Her weekends comprise singing, kayaking, writing poetry through calligraphy, and talking to new people in between volleyball games. Her poetry has been published with The Weight Journal.

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