The Curtains of Your Life | Teen Ink

The Curtains of Your Life

October 27, 2021
By thunderbrownie BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
thunderbrownie BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Curtains of Your Life


I imagined a machination of sorts


Careful, deliberate, thought-out


Cogs and wheels they turn whose purpose be timely revealed


Yet, the time long passed now left no meaning set upon it at all


Only the presence of a shroud become clear


Of ignorance and of the dark, what hides underneath it all


Wonders of a child’s mind they were


Beneath Time’s cast fog


Past the trivial mundane


Somewhere among the black suits and ties, the portrait of a family and the strains in a smile


Hides a monster subtle in its desperation and quietly screaming in its sorrow


You recognize it of course


It stole from you what you had not known you held dear


Your innocence

The author's comments:

Arnav is a young writer aged 17 years old from Chandigarh India who hopes that maybe his writing can make people think and feel. He finds writing exhausting but he continues all the same because it is the only thing that feels right to him

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This article has 1 comment.

gaurisidana said...
on Nov. 13 2021 at 11:06 pm
gaurisidana, Chandigarh, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Beautiful only