Missionary | Teen Ink


October 15, 2021
By bella_r04 BRONZE, Land O' Lakes, Florida
bella_r04 BRONZE, Land O' Lakes, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

To the Many places I have been to,

a piece of my heart will always remain.

The moments I lived in Peru, Honduras, and Mexico.

Some of my life has been in these places.

Not to travel, but to serve the Lord.


My first ever trip was when I was six years old, to the Amazons Rivers in Peru.

When we got there, we were on a boat for fourteen days.

Sleeping in hammocks, tents, and the annoying Insects flying around.

I saw the way my mom and dad preached and prayed for people,

they had set the perfect example for me to follow later in my life.

People would cry and get on their knees as they had been drenched in the presence of God.

We would do stuff for the kids and dress up and sing songs with them.

When we got back, I was glad to experience the trip thinking it would be my last.

Even though I was young, it was an unforgettable memory.


After my first trip for some reason my mindset had changed.

I was only there because I had to tag along with my parents, even though I didn’t want to go.

It wasn’t an option for me, if one of us were going, we all had to go.

I had learned to adapt with my Surroundings,

and do what everyone else did.


My second trip was to Nauta, Peru.

This time we didn’t stay on a boat, but we stayed in a cabin.

I was older this time and was able to interact with everyone there.

Our goal for the trip was to build a kitchen in an orphanage.

When we had arrived at the orphanage, I could feel the presence of God in the kids.

They would Sing, praise, and show a Christ-like attitude in everything they did.

All the men that went with us built the kitchen for them and all the teenagers helped around with a good attitude.

On this trip my mindset had changed, I learned to be grateful for everything I had.

The kids in the orphanage were grateful for the things they had, and since I had way more things than they did,

it meant that I had to be even more grateful for everything.


Every time would go on a missionary trip,

God would teach me an important lesson.

How to be grateful,

how to love others for being who they are,

and even how to pray for others without having the feeling of being judged.


A year later we once again we went to Peru.

We were basically doing the same thing,

 except this time, we were going to build a place for a chicken farm.

A chicken farm was where chickens would reproduce,

and then they would feed them, and the Owners of the orphanage would sell them.

I clearly remember about a teenage girl that was in the orphanage.

Her name was Tiffany,

and God had put in my family’s heart to adopt her.

Sadly, we never actually got the chance to adopt her,

 but we still have a close relationship with her to this day.


My family and I enjoyed serving the Lord.

We would help others,

in any shape or form.

A willing heart was all we Needed,

to lovingly give people the love they deserved.


On my fourth missions trip,

I went to Honduras.

I honestly don’t remember much about it,

but All I know is that I was slowly walking my own way,  

which was away from God.

I remember doing fun activities with the kids there,

and making up motions for every song we did.

I was too distracted with everything that was going on in my life,

that my willing heart turned into a rebellious one.


Many things can happen when you are doubting God.

I had the ability to come back to him,

but my free will drew me farther away.

The trip that changed my life foRever,

is the one that I will never forget.


I was in Mexico,

a thirteen-year-old girl feeling unworthy of praying over someone.

All the sudden I had gotten the chance,

and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit fall upon me.

I poured out crYing,

not knowing what else to do.

My entire life I thought I would be too young to pray for someone,

but this trip changed my way of thinking.


God used me,

even though I had doubted in him.

After twelve years of my life,

and hearing about the bible and God,

I had finally gotten the chance to believe.

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