I'll Never Forget You | Teen Ink

I'll Never Forget You

October 2, 2021
By Anonymous

I’ll never forget you,

until the ends of the earth.

The day you died would always be a day

I’ll never forget.

I woke up to do chores,

a typical Monday morning.

I headed down to the shop,

I saw you,

lying there, sleeping.

I could not believe what I was seeing,

I do not understand how it happened.

But there you were,

lying under the shop door, not moving.

The door opened,

but you still did not move.

I screamed,

and ran to get help.

But there was nothing I could do,

you were gone.

I held you,

tears rolled down my cheeks.

All I could think was

I’ll never forget you.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a loved one that died, she meant the world to me and I will always love her.

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