BE SILENT | Teen Ink


October 1, 2021
By poetryaddict15 BRONZE, Franklin, North Carolina
poetryaddict15 BRONZE, Franklin, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Be quiet

They say to our generation of girls

Cover yourself up

Be polite

Don't be a h--

Eat less, your to big

Gain more weight, you look anorexic

Get better grades

Be ladylike

Be silent

They say

When we use the voices they tell us we're supposed to have

But oh

I forgot

We seem to only be there to sit and look pretty

We're not supposed to speak unless we're spoken to

We're only there to cook and clean

Like Cinderella and Snow White

You don't need a man, be fine on your own

Society tells us

But then mocks us when we are on our own, telling us we're pathetic

Grows us up on fairytales where the prince always comes

To save the little princess

And they ride into the sunset

But this is not one of those fairytales

I think they forget that

They push and shove

Then tell us to never trust men

To "never walk alone"

To "cover up our shoulders" in school 

So many rules


They tell us and will be surprised

When one day, we refuse

When day we stand up and say


YOU be silent

Its OUR time to speak now.

The author's comments:

Society has tried so hard to shut down the voices of our generation of girls, of teen girls, just because they're afraid, and that needs to change, now. It's time for our voices to be heard, for us to truly be treated equally. For there to be a change.

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