Poem: Exams Why?????????? | Teen Ink

Poem: Exams Why??????????

July 25, 2021
By Anonymous

Why are exams so teasing,

Making you feel freezing,

Parent's pressure go up pleasing,

Hated subject making you feel wheezing.


Dreamer's life going to hell,

Marks forcing you to compel,

But the tension we have on result day,

Makes your dreams go away.....

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on Aug. 3 2021 at 2:06 pm
JustMe_Vaanya SILVER, Dehradun, Other
7 articles 9 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Una Vida, I have come to accept that I cant experience everything in life. But what I will, I'll experience deeply..."
-Shivya Nath

I Can Feel You! Really, it's soo frustrating. Marks are being given more importance than talent or choice of child. Everyone's like, "Boards are coming up! Study if you don't want to be a garbage picker. "
This is the perfect poem for our scenario.
[PS: I also love BTS Idol ;) Army :)]