The Jump | Teen Ink

The Jump MAG

July 24, 2021
By mkg215 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
mkg215 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Got no plan, doin' anything we can just to feel somethin'" - joshua bassett

What if my words come across wrong
What if they seem too cliche?
What if readers get the beat wrong,
The rhythm the words move and sway.
What if my points seem too shallow
Or on the other end of that pool,
Too deep and too controversial
For someone not yet out of school.
They say there's a beauty in fear,
In not knowing how they'll react
But they forget that they said
"beauty in fear" not "fear in beauty"
So I'm still scared that I'll crash.
Everytime, round and round,
I show myself to the world
It feels like I've flown off a cliff
There's always that part of me
that holds its breath
As I wait, suspense like living death
To see if they'll catch me as I fall
Or if they'll be glad to see me hit
the ground, once and for all.

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