Painting of a Girl in the Dark | Teen Ink

Painting of a Girl in the Dark

May 14, 2021
By behrrinke BRONZE, Austin, Texas
behrrinke BRONZE, Austin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A halo of blood

Surrounding your head,

An eight-legged beast

Sleeps under your bed.

Roadkill for dinner,

A dog on the road.

Darkness you gave me,

A fondness you showed.

You stand, lip-picking,

Please come into bed. 

You lay, lip-licking,

And wash out your head.

A kiss made of pulp, 

A pulverized plum.

The Parthenon prince

Keeps rhythm with hum.

I float when you’re gone,

I sink when you’re near.

I look in your eyes,

You’re not really here.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my Essay Writing class. The poetry centers around the darkness surrounding some of the people in my life.

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