Are you proud? | Teen Ink

Are you proud?

May 12, 2021
By lpagaduan BRONZE, Daly City, California
lpagaduan BRONZE, Daly City, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Daddy, mommy, look!

A drawing I made!

Gasps of praise and shock and pride

This belongs on the fridge


Daddy, mommy, look!

Straight As on my report!

Claps around the room

A day of ice cream to rejoice

Dad, mom, look!

Trophies and scores and medals alike

Good for you!

Your sisters had that at your age, too


Your lids are getting heavy

Your circles getting darker

But you march forward

So that dad and mom can look.

This time, don’t ask dad and mom to look.

More trophies, more scores,

More. More. More.

Enough is undefined.

You creep along the underbelly of the radar,

Until one day:

Dad, mom, look.

Acceptance and success…

This is a day to celebrate!

“…What is there to celebrate?

My room is full of this

And so is hers

And hers.

Fill this room.

It won’t change a thing.”

The author's comments:

Making your family proud is important. I just think the pressure can get to people. And it's a pressure that pushes the standard to unachievable levels.

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