I'm Fine | Teen Ink

I'm Fine

May 5, 2021
By Anonymous

Im fine I say 

I mean what am I supposed to say

That I feel trapped in an endless void suffering each day

That I question what did I ever do to deserve to feel alone 

I smile right 

Im fine right 

But no matter how hard I try is it ever enough 

Why I ask myself 

Why the pain 

Why the endless lying Saying i'm fine when I feel like my whole heart is gonna explode with emotions that  one day I can’t control 

Wondering is it ever worth it 

At least there happy right 

I smile each day 

Hiding the emptiness inside me 

Im fine I say

But do I ever feel ok 

They say that it gets better when though 

After i've suffered 

After i've cried myself to sleep 

Just to wake up and smile like it never happened 

I'm tired 

I mean do you know what it's like to have to make people laugh so they don't see that you're slowly breaking down 

But what if 

What if I don't have to feel this pain

 what if could all just go away 

It gets better right im fine 

No matter what I can’t control it yah i'm happy in front of my mom my sister people I love but 

What happens if I can’t laugh anymore if I can’t pretend im fine 

I live my life every day as if ok as if im fine 

But if I show people the real me what will they think 

Because the real me is broken



But if I let them in and see the real me 

Will they love me still 

Or am I nothing anymore 

But i'm fine I say  

Getting the  asked the question  how are  you im broken hurt tired of  trying to fill this emty void I feel in my heart ,but all I can manage to say is im fine 

The author's comments:

i wrote this peice becuse many people suffer from depression each day and this shows that even if people laugh dosen't mean there ok 

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This article has 1 comment.

AEwell said...
on Aug. 23 2021 at 3:53 pm
AEwell, , Fort Collins, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
As a person suffering from depression I feel as if it explains how I feel some days