Envisioned serenity | Teen Ink

Envisioned serenity

April 21, 2021
By Anonymous

The sun gleams through the foggy air,

Painting streaks of golden through her hair.

The clouds gliding to the rhythm of the wind,

As the vibrant blue sky begins to dim.

The dampness of the scene,

Enhances the beauty of the surrounding green.

Elegant birds swooping to their home,

Squirrels on the hunt begin to roam.

The antique benches paint chips away,

Creating a rustic pattern beautiful in it's own way.

A light sea breeze settles,

The scent penetrating through the furled rose petals.

The waves crash on the coast,

As shes engrossed in the book she loves most.

Pollen dispersed through the thick air,

Falling upon her chair.

Sap dripping down the side of a nearby tree,

Ocean that goes on farther than the eye can see.

She sweeps aside her golden locks,

To look upon the textured rocks.

She sighs and flashes a smile,

Captivated by the beauty she hasn't seen in a while. 

The idyllic nature of this site,

Continues through the night.


The author's comments:

My comfort scene. My vision of bliss and peace. 

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