Cataclysm Defied | Teen Ink

Cataclysm Defied

April 11, 2021
By TheoBellavia-Frank BRONZE, Amherst, New York
TheoBellavia-Frank BRONZE, Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sea creeps onto the land

Like an army gaining territory.

Wildfires and cyclones ravage and raze

And burn legacies to the ground.


The peaceful of nature has given in,

Stripped bare by mortal hubris.

But we are not known for giving up —

We scream in the face of defeat. 

Some retain hope, some foster it,

Rebuilding walls as they break.

The individualists will deny and defy,

Needing no one on their internal frontier.

Everyone knows that only they know the truth,

Only they can read between the lies.

Everyone has their own story,

But dead men tell no tales.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Robert Brewer's second prompt in his 2021 April Poem-A-Day series. This is a look at a possible catastrophic future from a more personal perspective.

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