A little messed up | Teen Ink

A little messed up

April 10, 2021
By Anonymous

She is just a little girl
Unaware of her world
Currently on level 16
But cant wait to ace it all
Her body littered with invisible bruises
In a world where unseen is unavailable
Her mind is a dustbin filled with tossed up papers
One could find the worst in it
She  opens up about being restless and in pain
She is told to  sleep well and more
She asks what if its not the type of pain that heals with sleep
The reply is the same ; sleep is the best remedy and that there isnt any pain that cannot be healed with sleep
She can take it no more but she know she still have to move on and that she cannot fall into hands of despair
Thats the reason she boils it down to two steps
One = Close it shut ; Dont let it be seen
Two=  Dont speak up ; Dont let it be heard


The author's comments:

A little messed up teen!

This is my own work! I hope you like it!

If there is something wrong ! Please guide me


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