I Dream Of | Teen Ink

I Dream Of

March 31, 2021
By Anonymous

I dream that I wake up, his hand resting on my cheek.

That I brush his hair out of his face,

and he slowly wakes up.

Upon the sight of my face,

he smiles.

Just enough to let me know that he loves me.


I dream that I wake up around 7

and make the kids breakfast.

He will get their backpacks ready,

then we will wait at the bus stop with them.


I dream that we live a simple life,

on the outskirts of a town,

with a dog or two, and plenty of land.


I dream that after the kids are gone,

he makes us our own breakfast,

and we sit down to play Scrabble.


I dream that I go to work at 9,

but he stays home,

working from his laptop

and waiting for the kids to get home.


I dream that I'm home at 5,

and the kids are playing outside with the dogs,

and he sits on the porch,

watching our children frolic.


I dream that we put the kids to bed at 8:30,

and we sit down on the couch and watch TV

and fill each other in on our days.


I dream that at 12,

we head to bed,

and he hugs me like he'll never get the chance to again.

I dream that we grow old,

our kids move out,

our backs grow sore,

yet our love never falters.


I dream that we are happy,

and we work through fights,

and we aren't in a fairytale,

but we make it work.


It's just a dream,

but I wish for it more than anything.

The author's comments:

My boyfriend of 4 years and I have always had this as our fantasy. We want to get married after college when I'm 24 and he's 25. We want to have 2 kids, ideally a girl and a boy, but we'd be happy with anything. He wants to work from home and on his own hours, while I want to work in person. It's the thing I want most in life.

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This article has 1 comment.

NotLuci BRONZE said...
on Apr. 16 2021 at 12:28 am
NotLuci BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Hey, it's me! The author. I just want to say, I made a typo in the note section! My boyfriend and I haven't been together for 4 years lol. We became offical on March 6th, 2020. So we've been dating for a year and a month. Before that we were friends for 2 years. So grateful that this is Editor's Choice along with my other poem!