When The Rain Falls | Teen Ink

When The Rain Falls

March 6, 2021
By alliec0428 SILVER, New York, New York
alliec0428 SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reminder... you already have what it takes

The rain falls in the distance,

Music to my ears.

The patters of the rain

Allow for my eardrums

To dance.

I trace the drops of the rain

With my fingers

On the glass. 

I drift into 

An idyllic dream,

Of magic and glee.

The drops of the rain

Come to a stop.

The only rain falling now,

Come from my eyes

Making no sound.

The rain is over,

My perfect world is lost,

I hope that this is not the end

At all costs. 

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