MY ESCAPE🏞 | Teen Ink


March 4, 2021
By Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Escape the ordinary,

Go somewhere exemplary,

Where your heart and mind agree with each other-

and you can control them like a loving mother. 


Over the vales,

And to the sky we hail,

Do not worry about past or future-

just stay in present and let yourself be nurtured. 


Do not become anxious and let your anxiety take over-

because once you do it will always hove.

Note to myself,

To never be shy,

But spread my wings and fly,

Maybe not yesterday,

But always tomorrow and today,

Is a chance not to say ‘nay’. 

The author's comments:

Go do something wild, go out of your comfort zone and feel all the things you were insecure about.

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