A Glimpse of My Future | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of My Future

March 3, 2021
By lilysiegel24 BRONZE, New York, New York
lilysiegel24 BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
One of the deep secrets in life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carroll

I walk through a hallway when the sun goes down. 

smells like dust that has settled on top of forgotten books. 

cracks in the paint travel miles paving a path to follow. 

my fingers trace the roads as I run. 

the floor, covered by a rug so old it scratches the bottoms of my bare feet. 

it likes to try and trip me. 

the lights are dim—they flicker to the beat of my racing heart. 

and the walls slowly close in. 

Every painting, a glimpse back in time. 

I sprint from scene to scene. 

not enough time to soak in the passion. 

distracted, trying to remember who I once was.

Standing right in front of me, a breath away, my tired eyes finally return back at home. I reach out my arm. 

my hands instinctively searching to connect with your cheek.

Are you here for me?

We can stay here forever if you’d like. 

too quickly. 

a low rumbling rifts my heart from suspension. 

my eyes widen in regret, and I gasp for the empty air. 

Each door opens on cue.

a thousand glares fill up the silence.  

knees buckling under the power of your hands on my shoulders. forcing me down, down, down. 

Inescapable dread collects in my throat. 

looking down at my hands, once intertwined with yours, now soaked in fear. 

You stand towering over with a smile. 

your thumb clutching my chin tilted up to see you.

you turn my face to the left. 

eyes begging to look anywhere else, but give in to the call of the other side. 

I watch through a mirror as the young, naive me resets to her position. 

eyes once sparkled and blinded by love, 

now watching through a filter of resent. 


forced to let her make the same foolish mistakes. 

trapped in time, 

yet still able to feel you walk through the mirror and ruin her too. 

The author's comments:

Poetry is an escape for many. For me, this poem illuminates the other worlds I escape to when I close my eyes. Alongside fantasy, this poem also shows the burden of my self doubts. 

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