Mistakes Were Made | Teen Ink

Mistakes Were Made

February 23, 2021
By calebwhite3 BRONZE, New York, New York
calebwhite3 BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you mess up with a friend

And when the bitter frigid sadness overwhelms you to the point that you feel numb

You realize, mistakes were made

When you fail on a test

And the wave of sorrow arrives and washes away your dreams

Mistakes were made

Mistakes are apart of life

They help you learn and grow

We have a school creed, but mistakes are apart of life’s creed

The creed that makes us human

The way everyone lives

Things you can live through, laugh over, and love and care for

Even though in the moment your blood can be boiling 

And your life can be on the line like a time bomb with no one to defuse

Our flaws are always there

Will always exist

Will always be able to give you guidance

A contract with fine print,

The fine print is, You can’t go back

Mistakes are crickets in your head, always reminding us to make good choices

When your parents are disappointed in you

And you feel the piercing of that word and can’t even respond

Mistakes were made

When you hear a close family member is dead

And all you can do is live through the scorching tears because you didn’t spend enough time with them 

You think, mistakes were made

When your crush isn’t interested

So you trod home and feel stale and in your head you remind yourself,

Mistakes were made

Minor slip-ups define our character but the gritty oversights make the human

With life’s faults, you are given shiny and metallic traits

That set you apart from the rest and make you, well you

But we will always learn from our mistakes, even people who are stubborn

They motivate us to keep going

With the fiery passion burning in our hearts

No matter how bad you mess up 

You can always curve around 

Your acidic anger

And create a vibrant future

For yourself

Because if you don’t make mistakes, you can’t try anything new

It is never good to forget the past 

And only think about the future

But you must think about both

Because if you don’t you can forget mistakes

And mess up once more

Which can be even worse than before

Mistakes are the journey,

You are the adventurer

Mistakes are apart of life’s package 

They allow you to live

And excel and be who you want to be

And yeah mistakes will be made along the way

But it’s ok because they are flowers blooming

Ready to be made into something new in time

The author's comments:

This is a poem about life's mistakes and how they affect us.

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