If Death Were Beautiful | Teen Ink

If Death Were Beautiful

February 23, 2021
By alliec0428 SILVER, New York, New York
alliec0428 SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reminder... you already have what it takes

If death were beautiful,

There would be laughs

Instead of cries.

Floods of black gowns

Would be white

And bright

In an overflowing room

Of a grieving family.  

If death were beautiful,

The world would be full of peace and light

Rather than distress and darkness. 

Death would not be a state of sorrow and misery,

It could be a key handed to oneself to open a door to new beginnings.

If death were beautiful,

It would be a normalized cycle,

One soul dies and another comes into the world,

Optimistically hopeful for a new life,

A new beginning,

With nothing negative to try and avoid.


Death is full of saddened beauty and emotion,

Even if the heartbeat has stopped. 

The author's comments:

This poem explores the concept of death as if it were perceived as beautiful or joyus. As someone who had an experience with their grandmothers death at a young age, I always wondered what my grandma's funeral would have been like if it had been a celebration rather than a dark and upsetting occasion. To me, death at an older age could be seen as beautiful and as a celebration of life and what that person had accomplished within their lifespan. Maybe, if the world saw death with less fear, we would have a more positive outlook on life.

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