The Last Straw | Teen Ink

The Last Straw

February 19, 2021
By Ladyrenee BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Ladyrenee BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I allowed you to come into my life

To become my friend,

my right-hand man,

my ride or die,

and this is how it ends.

As I lay down thinking,

about the moment

I met you.

I should have let you 

walk right by me,

and should have never said a word.

People come into your life 

for a reason.

But I think you only

came for a season.

I was dumb enough to let you 

come in when there were

obvious red flags, 

waving around your head.

I let my guard down

for you. 

For you to damage my 

Prized Possession.

My trust.

You faked it until 

you made me have trust in you.

You have broken my trust

and it will forever be 


I allowed you into my life.

You stomped on everything 


Now the cookie has crumbled,

and the last straw has 

Been drawn.

The author's comments:

I just wanted to express what has been building up inside of me for the longest. As I wrote this poem everything just flowed. I know many of you can relate to this poem as much as I can. 

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