Dear Future Generations | Teen Ink

Dear Future Generations

February 16, 2021
By MahaLaiq BRONZE, Gainesville, Virginia
MahaLaiq BRONZE, Gainesville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear future generations…

You must think that we hated the ocean and found it anything but majestic,

Since you asked why we dropped jet fuel and plastic,

We had a clean ocean back then and I assure you that we did find it beautiful,

It was blue and vast and had life and was powerful.

You must think that we filled the air with smog because we hated the night sky,

Since you asked why we had hidden the stars from the mere eye,

We could see the night sky back then and I assure you that we did care, 

Like our ancestors we admired tracing twinkles and doodles of orion and big bear.

You must think that we hated the forests and all the trees in it,

Since you asked why we cleared the trees all for the sake of some monetary profit,

We had tall green trees back then I assure you that we did find them great,

They gave our lungs oxygen and a whole bunch of other things we surely did appreciate. 


Then you ask: did you not see the signs?

We saw.

Then you ask: did you not feel the signs?

We felt them.

Then you ask: did you not hear the signs?

We heard.

Then you ask: why did you not do anything?

We did. Just not enough.

The author's comments:

My name is Maha and I'm currently a junior. This poem is meant to highlight upon the issue of climate change. Ocean levels are rising. Forest fires are raging. Coral Reefs are bleached and dying. Climate change is very real, and it's time that we act now before future generations suffer. 

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