Orenda | Teen Ink


January 9, 2021
By deariaj5997 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
deariaj5997 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Empowerment present in me
Leaving my soul
To want and need to be free
Changing the bad in me
Into what’s better
Because of skin
Having to become violent, just to protect our own,
Being threatened
To be put behind a wall
With no communication
To what’s beyond that evil barrier
To be sent back to the past
We felt how they feel
Things are just different
But I plan to change that...

The author's comments:

This piece was in a personal perspective. I went through alot with not seeing my dad alot, Just thinking about alot of those racists things that ever happened in the world, anything troubling let that empower you, orenda....

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