Glass | Teen Ink


December 29, 2020
By TheShunnedPrince SILVER, Livermore, California
TheShunnedPrince SILVER, Livermore, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s not that I don’t want to,

Because I do.

It’s more like I can’t,

Because I won’t.

Other people have said things

So many times

And now I just say them myself,

To myself.

Are you sure that’s a good idea?

Or will you just screw it up

Is it worth the effort?


 But you can’t do it.

It’s because you’re a coward

It’s because there’s really nothing there

No secret door that will show

How smart I really am.

Just empty.

No one cares what happens inside

Unless you’re made of glass

Which I am, but it’s always opaque.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about oppression, or more specifically, self-oppression. I think everyone oppressed themselves in some way and what makes that so dangerous is that sometimes it’s impossible to realize you’re even doing it. But I wrote this about how it feels to be self-aware of that oppression and how that slowly eats away at self esteem and confidence because you can see a way out but you can’t get yourself to reach it.

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