Submissor | Teen Ink


December 27, 2020
By salembee SILVER, Warren, Ohio
salembee SILVER, Warren, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"smile, my boy! it's sunrise!"

Take a step back

Abandon my child at your doorstep,

Have confidence in your subjective upraisings.


Take a step back

Rehash my condition, quit my sentiments

And lend them to you

For I am inexperienced in child care.


Betray my child,

Be your perfect submissor.

The author's comments:

Neglecting your own intuition to appease others, falling into a manipulator's scheme; being beaten into submission. Spot one where you find them, you cannot fix them but you can save yourself the self-doubt and traumas that come along afterwards, know your worth in a relationship. 

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