Boxes | Teen Ink


December 15, 2020
By Maggie_Martin_12 BRONZE, Mooresville, North Carolina
Maggie_Martin_12 BRONZE, Mooresville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My feelings must be repressed.


Because society puts us in boxes.

I'm in a box from which I cannot escape.

No matter my struggle.


We are born



To fit in a labeled box.

The boxes are uniquely similar. 

One by one.

We are placed

In a box.

Told to stay there.

By who?

By society.

By the world.

By our parents.

By our friends.


It is only those

Who truly see

That will make it out.


But where will they go?


They have nowhere to go.

Because we are living in a cardboard world. 

Our world is a box.

With smaller boxes inside.


Boxes for the thinkers

The dreamers

The writers.

But no one really thinks.

No one dreams

Or writes. 

Not outside of their own box, they don't. 

They stick to what they know.

And they always will.


Because no one can escape it. 

No matter how far you believe you've gone.

There will always,


Be another box.

Another obstacle. 

Another speed bump. 


There is only one way to escape the endless boxes.

It is less desireable. 

Most would choose to stay in their box.

As they should.

But we will all leave the boxes at some point.

Through death. 

But we're not really dying.

No, that's not the real purpose.

The real purpose is

To clear the way

For more boxes.

An endless cycle.

Never to be broken. 

The author's comments:

This is my first time submitting my poetry into a contest, but I've been writing for quite a while.

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