Injustice To Me | Teen Ink

Injustice To Me

December 10, 2020
By Anonymous

We live in a world

A world where women are no more than their uterus

A world where clumps of cells are more valuable than the human carrying it

A world where women put bags over their heads to walk in for cancer screenings

All because it’s at a Planned Parenthood

A world where people believe their God should be everyone’s God

A world where their God rules our courts 

Our congress

Our Government

The land of freedom that forces religion in our laws

A world where two-week-old cells inside a woman

Are more important than black lives being taken in our streets

A world where a child’s life matters

Until that child is disabled 

Until that child is black

Until that child is an immigrant 

A world where the ability to have a child determines our womanhood

Where we are meant to feel guilty that other can't have children, but we can

That we should feel lucky even if we do not wish to bear a child

Where giving birth to the child is more important than the child's life after

Who cares if the child can eat 

Who cares if the child has a stable home

A world where government controls my body

A world where women have no choice 

A world that will watch a woman suffer so they can appease their God

The author's comments:

Im 18 and have been involed in different forms of activism since 13. I've been involed with issues inculeding BLM, women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and many more. This piece was an assingnement in my creative writing class this year and we were asked to submit a work we were proud of. This is one of my first pieces of poetry and i wanted to share it with TeenInk and thier readers. 

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