Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

November 5, 2020
By cocomae BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
cocomae BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writer's Block is excruciating

It's not like your mind has been wiped clean of ideas

but your mind has too many of them

it's just that none of them are quite right

and you can't follow a train of thought

becuause you can already tell it is leaning towards a trainwreck

The words don't flow

not in the least

you can't picture it in your mind

it's just a bunch of half formed ideas

that never lead anywhere

oh how I hate writers block

your creative juices are flowing

you are eager to encase your mind in a different world

a world fit just for you

except today

the door is locked

and no matter how hard you 

kick it

or yank on the doorknob

it won't open

so your only option is to wait around

until the person who took the keys

finally decides to give them back

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