The Lone Oak | Teen Ink

The Lone Oak

January 4, 2020
By Kalebpickel BRONZE, Gibbon, Nebraska
Kalebpickel BRONZE, Gibbon, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Doubt loves to dress up as logic” -Christian Bosse

As the sun sets behind the lone, dead Oak

A memory hits me, a rush of, what’s that word...

Déjà vu 

Memories of dancing, singing, crying under that once breathing, lush Oak.

Thats where we met, remember, love? Once kids, innocent and young. 

We collided in that patch of brilliant, yellow sunflowers,

Where I spread your ashes.

You were young, too young. And so was, well, us. We were young.

Our love, it grew so fast, so fast. Making its way into the depths of my heart, seeping into the cracks.

And now look at me, longing for you.

Sometimes, when I’m at my worst, I think you speak to me. 

Whispering through the wind, or even that lone star above the oak.

My eyes, suddenly so heavy.

The star above the oak grows brighter, almost glowing, like you once did.

The star, so bright, almost covering my field of vision.

Such a bright, white light. I need to close my eyes.

As my eyes come to a close, your smile flashes brightly through my mind.

I’m coming my love.

And just like that, two stars low lie over the lone, dead oak.

The author's comments:

Some things are mortal, but what is not mortal, is love.

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