War Of Depression | Teen Ink

War Of Depression

January 1, 2020
By CJSumrall BRONZE, Pearl, Mississippi
CJSumrall BRONZE, Pearl, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Inside of my head is a war.
A war of depression.
That I am constantly battling.
Everyday is hard for me.
Because these thoughts.
Thoughts that I shouldn't live
That I'm better off dead.
Is running freely in my mind.
I am fighting for my life.
Fighting for survival .
But this war of depression is winning.
And this fight was almost over.
If anyone is out there, please come save me.
Save me from this war of depression.
Because my life is a ticking bomb.
That is about to explode.
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.
But do you even hear me?
Do I need to scream louder?
Or should I just stop fighting
Since my life doesn't matter to you?
If you cared....
You would try to save me.
Instead of standing there
And just watching me die.
I fear that my life was about to end.
That death was about to grip me by the hand
And pull me under.
Not listening to my pleas.
Or my screams of fright.
I couldn't breathe.
Because I'm slowly drowning.
Into the darkness that death has created.
The light of life was fading into the distance.
As death started to take away my existence.
Then I realized.....that I am a FIGHTER.
I cannot give up without a fight.
So, depression watch out.
Because I'm about to win this war.
So, you better back off and go somewhere far.
I resurfaced back to life.
As I began to fight this war of depression.
And I won't stop until I win.

The author's comments:

I have been dealing with depression since I was thirteen and this is how I feel that depression is to me.

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This article has 1 comment.

katia_na said...
on Feb. 19 2020 at 9:06 pm
katia_na, Smoky Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If this was a story
I would say to wait for the ending
But this is a poem
And poems don't have endings

Hey, This is a amazing way to get out emotions like people turn to self harm and cry to let out their emotions but this is a way to lay it out instead of scars to remind you of the time you got this. Poetry is my now number 1 go to and it should be for many people bc it allows you to get out your feeling instead of selfharm of crying. keep up this work and Look im here always trust me and yourself you arnt alone.