Blue Eyed Boy | Teen Ink

Blue Eyed Boy

December 6, 2019
By sophiemikle BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
sophiemikle BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your deep ocean blue eyes,

How everytime you reach for me

It’s as if you have a magnetic touch.

How when you get mad you go silent.

How when you say goodbye you can’t look me in the eyes.

You are a mystery that somehow only I can solve.

Laughing, smiling, loving, you keep me going.

You know how to tell if I need to be alone,

You know that when I slip my hand into yours it’s time to leave,

You know all of these things without me saying a word.

When the wind wisps my hair around, 

I wonder if it's you whispering words into my chilled ear.

The old hoodie you gave me still has your faint scent of sweet love.

The way I can almost see the silhouette of you standing here beside me,

I know that you could build me up

Then tear me down at anytime,

But I could still love you.

Between us I can see the free spirit that is mine.

You bring out the good in me,

You make me feel true.

I had no time to think,

It’s almost if your love had hands,

It just grabbed me,

And I held on tight. 

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