Orange | Teen Ink


December 3, 2019
By Starleaf1 BRONZE, Durant, Iowa
Starleaf1 BRONZE, Durant, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                    Nothing Rhymes With Orange

You are unique, the black sheep.

 You go on adventures while others just sleep.

 One in a million, a rare person, it’s true.

 No one can quite understand you.

 If you were a color, you would be orange.

 Because nothing rhymes with orange.

 Red’s too strong, yellow’s too light.

 Black is dark, white is bright.

 Can only think of one word that’s you.

 People like you are few.

 If you were a color, you would be orange.

 Because nothing rhymes with orange.

 No, nothing rhymes with orange.

The author's comments:

I know I am unique and I celebrate that. 

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