Tonight | Teen Ink


December 3, 2019
By Starleaf1 BRONZE, Durant, Iowa
Starleaf1 BRONZE, Durant, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


You have scars,

But everyone has them too.

If you need to talk,

I am here for you.

I know things seem bad in the dark.

But you don’t need to start a spark.


The best things are found at night.

Sometimes it’s better in the dark than the light.

Don’t light a candle,

For your heart is just as bright.

Run free with the stars



Don’t run from before,

 Tomorrow’s a chance to start over.

[You can start over.]

If you sink, climb higher.

Don’t stay frozen, light a fire.


The best things are found at night.

Sometimes it’s better in the shadows then the light.

Don’t light a candle,

For your heart is just as bright.

Run free with the stars




The author's comments:

My mom asked me to write about a candle.  It made me think of the light inside of me. 

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