Write a F***ing Poem | Teen Ink

Write a F***ing Poem

November 12, 2019
By Dwight_Eisen_flower GOLD, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Dwight_Eisen_flower GOLD, Harrisonburg, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Get up and brush your f***ing teeth

What is wrong with you?

You’re just going to let them rot away like the rest of you

Your muscles ache from lack of use

Your skin yearns for the touch of the sun

You only take frequent showers because you need something to warm you

Get some friends

But don’t bother talking to them

They’re too good for you

Or them

They hate you

Don’t be a sl*t

Constantly craving the most intimate form of physical contact

To fill a void of affection and human interaction

You’re wasting your life

Get a goddamn hobby

Do something 

Write a f***ing poem 

You used to be so creative 

So alive 

What happened to you?

You used to be so bold



Now you do the same thing every day

Muddle through classes with no real goal for the future

And the only thing you consistently feel is the lingering dread in the pit of your stomach that you’re not going to amount to anything 

Wake up

You’ve already slept for twelve hours

And don’t forget to take the medication that stopped working a few months ago

Don’t forget to eat something

But not too much

Just enough to keep you alive 

Clean something

That gives a sense of productivity 

And order

Two things you desperately need

And you can scrub your bathroom from top to bottom every two days

Yet you can’t find it in yourself to Brush your f***ing teeth?

What is wrong with you?

And you can get drunk and have sex on weeknights but you can’t make a friend?

What is wrong with you?

And you can shower and change clothes but only to go straight back to sleep?

What is wrong with you?

Get a hobby

Get a life

Get a friend

Write a F***ing poem,

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