Call of Slumber | Teen Ink

Call of Slumber

October 24, 2019
By Anonymous

It stalks me in the light

And drags behind me like a heavy shadow

It pursues me at a snail’s pace, steadily crawling closer

But the faster I run, the nearer it gets

It subtly drains my energy

Like a life leeching parasite

As it sings a soothing lullaby

Taunting me with the promise of relief

I try to drown it out with sugar and caffeine

Productivity and busy work

But I still hear it calling my name

With an alluring song leading me to my bedroom door

I feel it pull me towards my warm, welcoming bed

It tucks me it and places a fluffy pillow under my head

My room fills with the serene silence

And I find myself strapped down with the comfort of my covers

The burden takes its toll on me

My resistance becoming futile

My eyes growing heavy

And I feel my consciousness slipping away

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