Being a band kid means... | Teen Ink

Being a band kid means...

October 17, 2019
By clarawahsum BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
clarawahsum BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being a band kid means a million inside jokes

Cackling and confusing everyone else at the slight mention of them

Being a band kids means hours and hours of dedication-

Practicing until it’s impossible to mess up and you’re deaf from the metronome

Being a band kid means involving the show music in your life

Humming your part, tapping your foot, blaring the piece through your ears

Being a band kid means a second family-

Multiple moms and dads who support and care for you

And numerous siblings who got your back

Being a band kid means pride in what you do

The satisfying feeling of telling people “I’m in band”

Being a band kid means Friday night games 

Coated in sweat, dancing to the drumline cadence, and playing stand tunes

Being a band kid means a thousand chances to be better

Take every chance you got, nobody’s going to laugh if you mess up

Being a band kid means proving that hard work pays off

The breathlessness that overcomes you as horns go down, you did it

Being a band kid means carrying an instrument that weighs the same as a feather or an anvil

And gravity doesn’t make anything better

Being a band kid means accepting each other-

We are who we are and nothing will ever change that

Being a band kid means joy

Smiling and laughing the entire time 

But most importantly, being a band kid means having a place where you belong

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based on my time in band. I love band, and everybody in my band treats each other like siblings(we fight, but in the end we get along) and we stick together through thick and thin.

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