Gone Again | Teen Ink

Gone Again

October 11, 2019
By slatr84 BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
slatr84 BRONZE, White Heath, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I will be here,

For only a while,

So I pack my bags, 

And I put on a smile,


I am here for now,

But I'll be gone again,

No reason to pout,

It's not a sin,


I wish I'd stay,

But I must go,

I'm at the state,

The point of no return,

And I must empty my estate,

And this life I have not earned,


I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused,

The sad times given,

I hope I was able to make you smile,

I love when you can't stop grinnin',

So now and for a while...


Make me proud,

Be great,

And make me smile.

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