Black Sails | Teen Ink

Black Sails

September 19, 2019
By Pecanlover SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Pecanlover SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from beaten black sails,

flying arrogantly across the Aegean,

welcomed by sorrow.

I am from a rock in the Rhine River,

song luring lustful sailors,

fae brutally slaying foul fantasies.

I am from a big bang,

a vigorous collision in the cosmos,

a soaring grain of sand. 

I am microscopic organisms,

rapidly reproducing to create humanity,

surviving natural selection.  

I am walleye wading in water,

imperceptible bacteria,

hidden decades in patches of moss.

I am an embryo,

only visible through high frequencies,

confusion to the conveyor.

I am creaky first houses,

savoring good times on broken swing sets,

frolicking through fields of grass.

I am uninhabited isles of sand and forests,

calm waves splashing softly,

the loon’s cry reflecting off ripples of water.

I am houses in santorini,

peering off the precipice out to the Aegean,

back to the beaten black sails.

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