A Letter to Love | Teen Ink

A Letter to Love

August 1, 2019
By L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller.

Dear Love,

Don’t leave me out alone.

Don't run away from me.

Don’t leave me with nothing.

im supposed to be a friend.

You can't walk back into my life and try to control it.

You messed up everyone else's life don’t try to mess up mine.

Im ok without you, you don’t need to tell me how to live.

I can manage on my own.

I don’t need your opinion on what I should be wearing for who.

i dress for myself.

And don't tell me what I should be thinking.

Don't tell me what to dream about.

Don’t tell me what I can cry about.

stop controling my life.


Don’t build my confidence up just to tear it back down.

Don’t tell me who to fall for.

Don’t tell me what to dream about.

stop making me care for someone.


you have crosed the line,

I'm building a barrier between us.

stop giving me a person to care about.


no kisses, A Dreamer

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