To All The People | Teen Ink

To All The People

July 29, 2019
By Leo BRONZE, Parkesbourne, Other
Leo BRONZE, Parkesbourne, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can edit a first draft, but you cannot edit a blank page." - Unknown

To all the people out there who felt they didn’t fit in,

You are not alone.

To all the people out there who felt they’d never get anywhere in life,

You will do great things, even if it is only in your wold.

You do not need to be famous and thin to be beautiful,

Just like you do not need to think of every part of yourself beautiful to believe you are.

To all those people who sat alone at lunch tables and fell victim to the school bullies,

You are strong.

To all the people who would hide in the library after school and at lunch to e=escape your problems,

It gets better.

You do not need to live in fear of what is to come

To all the people who wore makeup to cover up their insecurities

It does not make you ugly, or horrible.

It makes you human.

You can wear makeup if you want to, you can cover up pimples and freckles and moles if you want to.

You are beautiful, inside and out, with or without the makeup.

To all those people who often wondered about going to sleep and never waking up,

You are still here. You got through every day however necessary,

And you are still here.

It is not weak to get help.

It is not weak to need a break.

It is not weak to rely on other people to get you through things.

To all the people who would laugh along with others but felt terrible about doing so,

It is okay. They may not be your people, but you talked to them and you supported them.

And that was our choice. You don’t need to fit in entirely to be valued.

You are your own person,

Not the ideas of others.

Hold yourself to your own standards and be kind on yourself.

Change what you don’t like.

If you don’t think you’re nice enough,

Put more kindness to the world each day.

But nobody is truly alone.

Nobody is truly alone in this world.

You are loved, you are cared for and you are going to make it through.

The author's comments:

This piece is basically a tribute to anyone who doesn't fit in or doesn't feel like they're very mainstream. More specifically it's to all the people who have to go through high school dealing with bullying and exclusion. It's not a fun place.

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