The Stairs | Teen Ink

The Stairs

July 23, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've always seen those stairs

It's plain wood, nothing fancy.

Some people never care

About those stairs.


I've always seen those stairs

I laid my foot on it first when I was 4.

The people of my age then still didn't care

About the mysterious stairs.


I've always seen those stairs

I made a long way through.

People dilly dally and still don't care

About the tiring stairs.


I've always seen those stairs

I think I see the top.

People are starting to care

About the wooden stairs.


I've always seen those stairs

At the top I see something that was worth

The long haul all about

The promising stairs.


Fame, success, and forune

All my hard work for something!

Then I feel bad for the people that didn't care

And just started their hiking.


They'll just be halfway there when I'm at the top

Of the stairway of success.

The author's comments:

When I was little, my mom and dad made me work hard to study, play sports, play instruments, and sort of be an all-rounder. They still make me work hard and most of it is willingly at age thirteen. I didn't realize until I was in third grade that they did this so I could have many oppurtunities in the future, and ever since then, I have worked my hardest. My mom always says to always work hard first to have and easy going future and one way to represent this are stairs. I'm thankful to my parents for making me the hard worker I am otherwise I wouldn't be the person I am today.

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