Different | Teen Ink


July 16, 2019
By robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" There are always hard times, but you can always recover even in your worst moments."

Though we may be different

We still have lives

We all live in wars and politics

We may not agree with them

Or we just never thought

We are never opposite

We may look at each other 

By color

By place

By look

We may be different 

But we still are humans

We are friends with many

We may be friends with an opposite type

Or just racist

Some people may look at others

As gross

As odd

As  unequal

But going back we all are made the same

Seeing that we do have flaws

But not bad ones

They are what makes all of us unique and special

Nothing that we should be ashamed of

Each person was born to be a star

Even if it means 

Going through hard times

And bullies that will push you to the limit

Each time makes us stronger but aware of our reality

The author's comments:

Everyone has the chance to be themselves even if it means getting pushed down.

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