Rocket Ship | Teen Ink

Rocket Ship

July 3, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a rocket ship

Shooting for the stars.

Nothing can ever stop me

Because I’m heading straight for Mars.


I follow my ambition

Still using my wisdom

To explore and learn more

About the world and its vision.


My hard metal exterior

Is not much like my interior.

In the inside I am humble and caring for my passengers,

But still well built for the meteoroids and turbulence of life.


The stars are my goals

Each having different roles

And with a good foundation,

I can reach for the stars

That are even beyond me.


I am fired with determination

During my launch to go to space

Space is like life

And I will keep myself aware of strife

While I am in this mysterious place called space.


I launched off with glee

And now I’m travelling in the speed of light

So nothing can ever stop me

Because I’m beyond everyone’s sight.


I am a rocket ship

That will always travel far.

If I miss one star,

I will keep going, learning from that mistake.

Even though one star is important,

There are many more that I can reach for,

And more space and time in front of me.

The author's comments:

"Rocket Ship" is about moving on and having confidence in oneself. It is about looking up to the future and making goals to be happy and successful in life. 

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