Not Me | Teen Ink

Not Me

July 3, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I squint to take a closer look

At the black figure that stands across from me.

He or she reads me like a book

As I jump back from the familiar face.


I step closer,

The figure imitating my motions

As if I’m his or her composer

And the figure is giving me notions.


Now I can outline its face

And I can tell that she is a girl.

She looks like she is misplaced

And about to hurl,

Just like me.


As I get closer in this dark room,

She looks even more familiar.

She’s making me presume

That she was me all along

Even though a little unfamiliar.


I raise my hand

She raises her’s.

It feels like we’re far apart, from different lands,

My hand touches her’s.


Her hand feels flat and cold

Made of stone,

And a little old.

She is my clone.


I realize that she’s just a mirror,

Of a reflection of me.

But I felt nearer.

There is a big difference between her and me though,

She seemed very lonely

And trapped inside.


I open my eyes, and she was still there,

But she was full of joy like I was.

But the mirror was gone,

I felt colder and made of stone,

And trapped inside with sorrow.

The author's comments:

This piece is about how others can impact us so easily and if we aren't with the right people, then we can evolve into a different person in a negative way unless we chose to be around good influences.

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