Misty Mountain | Teen Ink

Misty Mountain

June 18, 2019
By PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

Oh, misty mountain,

With you cirrus clouds above

You look over the valley

With your radiant gift of love

Your arms extend many miles long,

Through the alpine wilderness and the snow

And the spruce and birch find rest in your expanse,

Set up their radiant roots and decide to grow

Oh, misty mountain,

Holding nature in your palm

Spread your beauty and majesty

All the days long

The author's comments:

“Misty Mountain” illuminates the fact that, even though nature possesses the power to tear itself apart, it also has the power to uphold a symbiotic, caring relationship with its surroundings.

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